Above the 40 (April 9, 2019) – Stock Market Fades from the Edge of Overbought

AT40 = 58.4% of stocks are trading above their respective 40-day moving averages (DMAs)AT200 = 48.4% of stocks are trading above their respective 200DMAsVIX = 14.3Short-term Trading Call: bearish Stock Market Commentary Ever since the last overbought period ended, the stock market has experienced just two clear bearish signals. Each time, the bearishness was well-telegraphed … Read more

Forex Critical: Turkish Lira Reverses Weakness As CBRT Gets More Aggressive

The problem with pattern-matching in financial markets is that “THIS TIME” could be different. Difference is exactly what happened with my latest trading plan for the Turkish lira (USD/TRY). The well-constructed plans I described a few days ago quickly hit a brick wall, forcing me to pull the cord and adjust those plans. The Central … Read more

Above the 40 (March 22, 2019) – Tension Headache: Dovish Fed Fails to Keep Market Complacent to Risks

AT40 = 45.4% of stocks are trading above their respective 40-day moving averages (DMAs) (2+ month low)AT200 = 38.8% of stocks are trading above their respective 200DMAsVIX = 16.5 (20.9% gain)Short-term Trading Call: bearish Stock Market Commentary Friday’s trading action provided delayed confirmation of my short-term bearish trading call. The week previous to the last, … Read more

Housing Market Review (February, 2019) – A Potentially Peaking Recovery

Housing Market Intro/Summary {This post marks the last one impacted by the previous U.S. government shutdown. I delayed publishing until I gathered a complete set of January’s housing market data. At the time of writing February’s data are rolling in}. In the January Housing Market Review, I described a pause in the bad housing data … Read more

Above the 40 (March 15, 2019) – Bears Give Way to Breakouts As Stock Market Remains Precarious

AT40 = 61.8% of stocks are trading above their respective 40-day moving averages (DMAs)AT200 = 43.0% of stocks are trading above their respective 200DMAsVIX = 12.9 (5-month low)Short-term Trading Call: bearish Stock Market Commentary The stock market’s scramble for support worked last week as buyers and bulls put the bears on notice. However, the rally … Read more

ShotSpotter: Secondary Puts Investors In A Tough Spot

ShotSpotter (SSTI) has taken investors on a wild ride since peaking in September ahead of the big market breakdown in October. The stock made an amazing recovery off the December lows and, at one point, printed a near double. Unfortunately, a secondary offering of stock, priced at $44.90, may have put the lid on the … Read more

Above the 40 (March 8, 2019) – A Newly Precarious Stock Market Scrambles for Support

AT40 = 54.1% of stocks are trading above their respective 40-day moving averages (DMAs)AT200 = 38.8% of stocks are trading above their respective 200DMAsVIX = 16.1Short-term Trading Call: bearish Stock Market Commentary The above tweet begins the dilemmas that lay ahead for short-term trading after I first flipped bearish ahead of Thursday’s selling. First, I … Read more

Above the 40 (March 6, 2019) – Nick Widens: End of Overbought Period Exposes Precarious Stock Market

AT40 = 63.3% of stocks are trading above their respective 40-day moving averages (DMAs) (25th overbought day)AT200 = 41.0% of stocks are trading above their respective 200DMAsVIX = 15.7Short-term Trading Call: cautiously bearish Stock Market Commentary The broken record in the stock market finally came to an end. The small nick in the overbought period … Read more

Cocoa: Ivory Coast Supply News Sets Up Buying Opportunity

Time for me to buy iPath Bloomberg Cocoa SubTR ETN (NIB) again. NIB gapped down to start the week at least partially on the news of a surplus from the Ivory Coast. From Reuters: Cocoa arrivals at ports in top grower Ivory Coast reached 1.547 million tonnes between Oct. 1 and March 3, exporters estimated … Read more

Above the 40 (February 27, 2019) – A Lingering Waiting Game As Overbought Period Reaches Important Threshold

AT40 = 80.0% of stocks are trading above their respective 40-day moving averages (DMAs) (23rd overbought day)AT200 = 45.5% of stocks are trading above their respective 200DMAsVIX = 14.7Short-term Trading Call: neutral Stock Market Commentary And still the waiting game rolls along. News on the US-China trade front generated some excitement to start the week, … Read more