Sailing Past the Sunset – Housing Market Review

sailing past the sunset (Credit: sailing past the sunset by jackfraser on Flickr)

Housing Market Intro and Summary The spring selling season housing market looked “defiant” going into the end of a cycle. In June, the housing market looks like it refuses to let the cycle end as it sails past the expected sunset. New home sales and housing starts surged as the market for existing homes barely … Read more

Bulls Fade Fast from the Overbought Frontier – The Market Breadth

fade (Credit: Hercules Wrestling the Bull by carfull...from Wyoming on Flickr)

Stock Market Commentary: The summer of loving stocks is facing its first real test. In the middle of the week, the rally finally failed at the threshold of overbought market breadth. The stock market closed the week with market breadth confirming the end of the primary rally and the start of an important test of … Read more

Fed Avoids Ending the Summer of Loving Stocks

summer of loving stocks (Credit: Hippie tag ! by jocelyn.aubert on Flickr)

The Federal Reserve gave tacit approval to the unfolding summer of loving stocks. In its June decision on monetary policy, not only did the Fed hold interest rates steady, but also it rolled out improved overall forecasts for the economy. GDP growth for this year went from 0.4% to 1.0%, presumably lowering the odds for … Read more

A Looming Collision Between Overbought Trading and the Fed – The Market Breadth

collision (Credit: Collision Course by on Flickr)

Stock Market Commentary: Market breadth almost reached overbought trading territory last week. The Federal Reserve is issuing yet another missive on monetary policy this coming Wednesday. The market’s script is arranged for the potential drama of a collision between the euphoria of overbought trading and a Federal Reserve that is eager to moderate the market … Read more

The Brutal Failure of Turkey’s Monetary Experiment

brutal failure (Credit: Hands to the head by hernanpba on Flickr)

Brutal Failure Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s “war of economic independence” has ended in a brutal failure. The president used his central bank to fight inflation with rate cuts and lost in spectacular fashion. This experiment with unconventional monetary policy severely devalued the Turkish lira (USD/TRY) and helped to generate massive inflationary pressures. The chart below … Read more

Defiant to the End of the Cycle? – The Housing Market Review

defiant (Credit: The Defiant Ones #caturday #catsofinstagram #instacat #cats by k8southern on Flickr)

Housing Market Intro and Summary The seasonal trade on home builders ended in the middle of one of those critical junctures for these stocks and the housing market in general. Mortgage rates are done coming down for now and could break to new highs as the Federal Reserve continues hiking short-term rates to battle inflation. … Read more

The NASDAQ Quietly Tries to Wake Up A Sleepy Market – The Market Breadth

sleepy market (Credit: Stretch Cat by RafeB on Flickr)

Stock Market Commentary: The U.S.’s looming debt ceiling crisis is a manufactured emergency. The whole political wrangling could end in an instant with a very simple decision to keep budget negotiations in the budget process. Thus, the stock market’s relative calm about the political stalemate does not surprise me. Moreover, who are the motivated sellers … Read more

Apple Drags A Mixed-Up Market Higher – The Market Breadth

apple drags (Credit: astronomy_blog on Flickr)

Stock Market Commentary: In the previous week, the stock market put on a display of strength ahead of the Federal Reserve’s May decision on monetary policy. That bravado was temporarily undermined by the final blow to First Republic Bank (FRC). After a one-day pause, presumably to contemplate the implications of the lack of a coherent … Read more

Solid Spring Demand Brings A Bullish Reversal and All-Time Highs – The Housing Market Review

bullish reversal new home sales and construction (Credit: Wonderlane on Flickr)

Housing Market Intro and Summary The fresh hope from a peak in mortgage rates has expanded into an ever stronger spring selling season for the housing market. Despite double digit year-over-year declines keeping existing home sales and housing starts in recessions, new home sales have almost reversed all their losses since the Fed started hiking … Read more

New Display of Strength Dares Fed’s Hawkishness – The Market Breadth

display of strength (Credit: Boston Library on Flickr)

Stock Market Commentary: On a weekly basis, the stock market seems to flip its abiding theme. One week after I accused the stock market of sleepwalking, buyers roused the major indices out of their slumber with a new and sudden display of strength. A 13.9% post-earnings surge from Meta Platforms, Inc (META) seemed to set … Read more