What Happened to the Housing Market – Stocks Topping and Sales Headwinds

A topping pattern for the iShares US Home Construction ETF (ITB) includes the reversal of gains for the year and a breakdown below support at the 50-day moving average (DMA) (the red line).

Housing Market Intro and Summary What happened in the housing market in April, 2024? After four months of growing more positive, home builders proceeded into the spring selling season thanks to drag from the South. In my previous Housing Market Review, I pointed out a positive start to the spring selling season. April painted a … Read more

What Happened to the Housing Market – Positive Builders Greet the Spring | March, 2024

What Happened to the Housing Market - Positive Builders Greet the Spring (credit: Freepik, https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/medium-shot-people-painting-together_13658906.htm)

Housing Market Intro and Summary What happened in the housing market in March, 2024? Home builders grew more positive and greeted the spring selling season with a resurgence in housing starts. In my previous Housing Market Review, I pointed out breakouts in the stocks of homebuilders and a bottoming in existing home sales. Both developments … Read more

What Happened to the Housing Market – Breakouts and Bottoms | Feb, 2024

what happened to the housing market - construction site

Housing Market Intro and Summary What happened in the housing market in February, 2024? Breakouts and bottoms happened. In my previous Housing Market Review, I posited the possibility of a top in the seasonal trade on home builders. In the subsequent month, the stocks of home builders took on new life as investors forgot about … Read more

Has the Builder Seasonal Trade Topped Out? – Housing Market Review

Has the Builder Seasonal Trade Topped Out - Housing Market Review

Housing Market Intro and Summary In recent months, the housing market experienced several impacts from declining mortgage rates. An accelerating improvement in consumer and builder sentiment point the path toward a strong spring selling season despite on-going issues of affordability and inventory availability (in the existing home market). While housing starts pulled back from November’s … Read more

Soaring Stocks and Falling Mortgage Rates – Housing Market Review

Soaring Stocks and Falling Mortgage Rates - Housing Market Review

Housing Market Intro and Summary Of all the November housing data, housing starts provided the clearest support for the sharp rebound in the stocks of home builders the last two months. In parallel, builder sentiment has likely bottomed in anticipation of the positive impact of falling mortgage rates. On the other hand, existing home sales … Read more

All-Time Highs Race Ahead of the Data – Housing Market Review

All-Time Highs Race Ahead of the Data

Housing Market Intro and Summary The October housing data showed some further softening, including a revision of the new home sales data that erased a breakout. Yet, November was a blockbuster month for launching the seasonal strength in the stocks of home builders. Many of these stocks hit all-time highs in a race ahead of … Read more

The NAHB Finally Declares That the Housing Market Is Slowing

The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) was just about as bearish on the housing market as it allows itself to get. In its latest press release on the NAHB/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index (HMI), the NAHB declared “…the housing market is now slowing.” The HMI plunged from 77 to 69 in a sign that … Read more

Hanging in There – Housing Market Review

Housing Market Intro and Summary In “Marching Under the Shadow of Recession Fears – Housing Market Review” I spent some time discussing the impact of the Fed’s move to normalize monetary policy. That impact continues to ripple through the housing data. Yet, individual home builders are not yet reporting much impact from rising rates. They … Read more

An End to the Seasonal Trade – Housing Market Review

Housing Market Intro and Summary In my last Housing Market Review, I discussed the prospects for the impact of higher interest rates. I concluded there could be little impact on prices. Those dynamics could soon be overshadowed by the impacts of a global economic war and the declining sentiment that comes from watching the misery … Read more

Leaning into the Headwinds of Higher Rates – The Housing Market Review

Housing Market Intro and Summary A hawkish Federal Reserve has changed the game for the housing market. At first, I thought the normalization in monetary policy would generate a “settling in” for the housing market. However with inventories tight, a scarcity in available labor, rising material costs, and a dysfunctional supply chain, higher rates may … Read more