A Somber September Puts the Last Pandemic-Era Gains At Risk – The Market Breadth

Credit: Who are at Risk? by jpalinsad360 on Flickr

Stock Market Commentary: September was about as somber as it gets for financial markets. The S&P 500 lost 9.3% for the month which falls well below both the median and average (negative) historical performance for the index. With the June lows breached, the pandemic-era gains for the S&P 500 and the NASDAQ are now at … Read more

Oversold Conditions Stretch At the Edge of the Year’s Lows – The Market Breadth

stretch (credit: Lynn Friedman on Flickr)

Stock Market Commentary: Extreme trading behavior finally appeared right after I insisted the stock market looked uninteresting despite dropping into oversold conditions. Oversold conditions did a stretch toward the year’s lows and created enough concern to finally send the volatility index soaring. Looming over the trading action all day was a collapse in the British … Read more

Forex Critical: The Organized Chaos of the British Pound

Chaos After the divided politicians of the United Kingdom managed to postpone Brexit to October 31, 2019 from March 29, 2019, I assumed the British pound (FXB) would take a break from wild and sudden gyrations. I was wrong. On Thursday, local elections plunged the Conservative party (the Tories) into a resounding defeat that most … Read more

Forex Critical: The End of A Parabolic Surge for the British Pound

Traders have thoroughly beaten up on the U.S. dollar (USD) for the last six weeks. In the past week, the selling accelerated again in the wake of commentary from U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin that the U.S. welcomes a weak currency because of its positive impact on U.S. exports. The British pound (FXB) is one … Read more

Trading Cocoa: A Fresh Price Collapse Amid Conflicting Narratives

Almost a month ago, I celebrated a major breakout for iPath Bloomberg Cocoa SubTR ETN (NIB) by declaring a confirmed bottom. That bottom still holds but unfortunately NIB has persistently declined since then. NIB is down 15.2% from the time of that post. Source: FreeStockCharts.com At the time of my last post, the International Cocoa … Read more

Forex Critical: British Pound and Mexican Peso – A Tale Of Resistance

In recent days I wrote about the British pound (FXB) and the Mexican peso. In both posts, I pointed out to resistance levels versus the U.S. dollar: GBP/USD and USD/MXN. In both cases, those resistance levels held. In the case of the pound, the technicals held against major fundamental news: the Bank of England (BoE) … Read more

Forex Critical: Speculators Back Down At A Critical Juncture for the British Pound

When speculators finally flipped bullish on the British pound (FXB), it looked like the action came right as the currency was making a peak against the U.S. dollar (DXY0). The timing of my observation happened to mark the bottom for GBP/USD, and now speculators have backed down from their nascent pound bullishness. They now hold … Read more

A Wilting British Pound Reverses Gains from A Hawkish Bank of England

It looks like speculators flipped the script to go net long on the British pound (FXB) just in time to catch a peak. Source: FreeStockCharts.com As the chart above shows, GBP/USD just broke down below support at its 50-day moving average (DMA). The move looks like an exclamation point following the full reversal of the … Read more

Forex Critical: Speculators Abandon Shorts on the British Pound

In one fell swoop, the Bank of England’s (BoE) hawkish posturing flushed shorts out of the British pound (FXB). The net short position of speculators has not been this low ever since the latest wave of currency bearishness began against the British pound. Source: Oanda’s CFTC’s Commitments of Traders This rapid closure of shorts helps … Read more

The British Pound and Carney Are Deja Vu All Over Again

“There’s already great speculation about the exact timing of the first rate hike and this decision is becoming more balanced. It could happen sooner than markets currently expect… …The need for internal balance – to use up wasteful spare capacity while achieving the inflation target – will likely require gradual and limited interest rate increases … Read more