T2108 Update (December 6, 2016) – The S&P 500 Flirts With A Major Overbought Breakout

(T2108 measures the percentage of stocks trading above their respective 40-day moving averages [DMAs]. It helps to identify extremes in market sentiment that are likely to reverse. To learn more about it, see my T2108 Resource Page. You can follow real-time T2108 commentary on twitter using the #T2108 hashtag. T2108-related trades and other trades are … Read more

Trump Change: The U.S. Dollar Swings Wildly from Election Despair to Elation

In my last post, I wrote about the small solace I took in profits on my short AUD/JPY position as the Japanese yen (FXY) surged in response to a looming victory by Donald Trump for the U.S. Presidency. At the time, I closed out the position assuming that currency bearishness was over-extended by quick-trigger negative … Read more

OPEC’s Latest Stumbles Create the Next Opportunity for an Oil-Driven Pairs Trade

In a previous post on the stock market, I noted how commodity-related plays were apparently benefiting from a sagging U.S. dollar index (DXY0). I failed to note that oil was (and is) a glaring exception. Oil futures fell around 9% for the week. This plunge was enough to completely reverse last month’s rally for United … Read more

T2108 Update (November 3, 2016) – Preparing for Oversold Trading As Bearish Signals Converge

(T2108 measures the percentage of stocks trading above their respective 40-day moving averages [DMAs]. It helps to identify extremes in market sentiment that are likely to reverse. To learn more about it, see my T2108 Resource Page. You can follow real-time T2108 commentary on twitter using the #T2108 hashtag. T2108-related trades and other trades are … Read more

T2108 Update (November 1, 2016) – Divergences Confirmed: Stock Market Sags to the Edge of Oversold

(T2108 measures the percentage of stocks trading above their respective 40-day moving averages [DMAs]. It helps to identify extremes in market sentiment that are likely to reverse. To learn more about it, see my T2108 Resource Page. You can follow real-time T2108 commentary on twitter using the #T2108 hashtag. T2108-related trades and other trades are … Read more

Awful Offerings: Acacia Communications and Twilio

I raise yellow flags when companies implement a secondary stock offering soon after going IPO, especially after the stock has experienced a massive run-up. I get even more worried when the majority of the shares are being sold by shareholders rather than the majority of proceeds going into corporate investments. Two recent IPOs have popped … Read more

T2108 Update (October 28, 2016) – Divergences Weigh Further on the Stock Market

(T2108 measures the percentage of stocks trading above their respective 40-day moving averages [DMAs]. It helps to identify extremes in market sentiment that are likely to reverse. To learn more about it, see my T2108 Resource Page. You can follow real-time T2108 commentary on twitter using the #T2108 hashtag. T2108-related trades and other trades are … Read more

Mylan’s Other EpiPen Classification Issue and Unresolved Overhang

(This is an excerpt from an article I originally published on Seeking Alpha on October 19, 2016. Click here to read the entire piece.) Mylan (MYL) is down 13% (and as much as 17%) since I argued the company was “out of tune” with an angry chorus that promised to place a lot of short-term … Read more

A Fresh Breakdown for iShares Nasdaq Biotechnology (IBB)

Drug corporations' greed is unbelievable. Ariad has raised the price of a leukemia drug to almost $199,000 a year. https://t.co/EB4nEPxP2G — Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) October 14, 2016 The drug industry is getting very, very nervous. We are going to take them on and lower the cost of medication across this country. https://t.co/6PeiLJnR0F — Bernie Sanders … Read more