The Canadian Dollar: The Bank of Canada Keeps Applying the Brakes

Last June, 2017, Senior Deputy Governor of the Bank of Canada (BoC) Carolyn A. Wilkins stepped onto the stage with a surprisingly bullish message about the Canadian economy. This speech set the stage for the BoC’s rollback of “emergency measure” rate cuts that responded to the past collapse in oil prices. At the time, the … Read more

Forex Critical: The Latest NAFTA Scare Reverses for the Canadian Dollar and Mexican Peso

Last week, financial markets were abuzz with rumors that Canada was preparing for the U.S. to exit NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement. No official statement ever emerged and within three trading days the entire impact of the scare reversed. For example, the rumors weakened the Canadian dollar (FXC) significantly against the U.S. dollar … Read more

Canadian Dollar: Record Low Unemployment Boosts the Bullish Case

Last week, I wrote about how economic data overrode the apparent desire of the Bank of Canada (BoC) to apply brakes to the strength of the Canadian dollar (FXC). Friday’s jobs report all but sealed the deal on the bullish case for the Canadian dollar and makes it more likely that the BoC will be … Read more

Canadian Dollar: Economic Data Overriding the Brakes of the Bank of Canada

The Canadian dollar (FXC) is at an interesting juncture. Strong economic data has strengthened the currency but the Bank of Canada (BoC) has applied brakes on currency’s rally. The Canadian dollar weakened in the wake of policy statements in October and December. The last word of 2017 went to the economic data as hot inflation … Read more

Canadian Dollar Weakens Further Despite Earlier Policy Warnings

Central banks are getting pretty good at having it both ways. Despite two rate hikes, one in July and one in September, the Bank of Canada (BoC) has talked its way to a net no change in the Canadian dollar (FXC) versus the U.S. dollar (DXY0). Source: As the chart above shows, the Canadian … Read more

A Closer Look At Lane’s Drive That Weakened the Canadian Dollar

There is nothing like a significantly stronger currency to get central banks to take pause. I cannot recall in recent memory a time where a little known (or under-appreciated?) Deputy Director of the Bank of Canada made a notable impact on the Canadian dollar. Such an event occurred on Monday, September 18th. Deputy Director Timothy … Read more

A Recharge for the Canadian Dollar Bull

A little over a week ago, I explained why I put the Mexican peso and the Canadian dollar (FXC) on shorter leashes. Canada’s extremely strong second quarter GDP report at the end of August just loosened that leash a little. Statistics Canada reported 2Q real GDP growth of 1.1%. The annualized growth rate of 4.5% … Read more

Forex Critical: Putting The Mexican Peso and Canadian Dollar On Shorter Leashes

Currency speculators have not been this bullish on the Mexican peso in about four years. The Canadian dollar (FXC) has enjoyed such bullishness for a year longer. Source for charts: Oanda’s CFTC’s Commitments of Traders I have traded alongside these bulls for several months now, but I decided this week to pull in the reins … Read more

Forex Critical – Key Trends Continuing for the Aussie, Loonie, and Yen

The latest CFTC data on the Commitments of Traders (CoT) showed some key trends continuing: new heights of bullishness on the Australian dollar (FXA) and the Canadian dollar (FXC), and on-going depths of bearishness for the Japanese yen (FXY). Speculators increased net longs on the Australian dollar for the 8th week in a row. Speculators … Read more

The Bank of Canada Confirms Easy Money Ain’t Gettin’ No Easier

I greatly under-estimated the confidence of the Bank of Canada (BoC) when I mapped out the possibilities for a currency market that highly anticipated a rate hike from the Bank. In its latest statement on monetary policy, the BoC increased its target for the overnight rate by 25 basis points (bps) to 0.75%. The Bank … Read more