Reality Bites A Fallen Apple – The Market Breadth

apple topping (Credit:,_Loudoun_County,_Virginia.jpg Famartin CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Stock Market Commentary I used key indicators in late February to issue a red flag warning on the stock market. I used additional indicators to serve as caution even as I flipped to a bullish posture on the stock market last week. Now, a fresh indicator of caution has emerged in the form of an … Read more

Turnaround December Defies Sagging Market Breadth – The Market Breadth

Turnaround December Defies Sagging Market Breadth - The Market Breadth (Credit: Bill Selak,

Stock Market Commentary It probably seems odd using “turnaround” as a descriptor for December’s trading. After all, the S&P 500 and the NASDAQ continued their respective melt-up trading action. Yet, small caps diverged and trickled downward all week. So I am intrigued by a collection of stocks that are making and often completing turnarounds from … Read more

It’s Already A Below Average September. Now What? – The Market Breadth

quick end

Stock Market Commentary The S&P 500 is down 4.1% month-to-date. This loss makes this month a below average September for a maximum drawdown and fulfills September’s reputation as one of the index’s three most dangerous months of the year. As I noted last week, August’s extreme drawdown significantly increased the risk of September being worse … Read more