A Return to the Giddy Anticipation of Rate Cuts – Market Breadth

A Return to the Giddy Anticipation of Rate Cuts - Market Breadth (Credit: Reuters)

Stock Market Commentary The stock market poetically swung from the depths of despair with a seasonal September drawdown to a sharp rebound in giddy anticipation of rate cuts from the Federal Reserve on Wednesday. The highly anticipated meeting has the potential to set the market’s tone for the remainder of the year. If Chair Jerome … Read more

It’s Already A Below Average September. Now What? – The Market Breadth

quick end

Stock Market Commentary The S&P 500 is down 4.1% month-to-date. This loss makes this month a below average September for a maximum drawdown and fulfills September’s reputation as one of the index’s three most dangerous months of the year. As I noted last week, August’s extreme drawdown significantly increased the risk of September being worse … Read more