(This is an excerpt from an article I originally published on Seeking Alpha on April 21, 2013. Click here to read the entire piece.)
On April 14th, I wrote my reasons for believing that a bottom for gold would prove elusive. At the time, I was thinking gold (GLD) could experience a new extended phase of weakness. I definitely did not anticipate a collapse in prices on the very next trading day (April 15th).

Source: FreeStockCharts.com
Adding to the case for a bottom (or “close enough” to one) is the surge in my stylized “Gold Enthusiasm Index.” {snip}

Source: Google Trends

Perhaps one interesting and confirming twist is the Google Trend view on silver (SLV) search terms. It turns out that “buy silver” and “sell silver” follow similar patterns to gold. {snip}

Source: Google Trends

Source: Google Trends

Source: FreeStockCharts.com
In the meantime, I will continue to be amazed by the amount of chatter suggesting that gold’s collapse is a harbinger of deflation. {snip} Perhaps inflation will become a palpable threat once after enough people finally conclude the global economy will never see real inflation again…
Be careful out there!
(This is an excerpt from an article I originally published on Seeking Alpha on April 21, 2013. Click here to read the entire piece.)
Full disclosure: long GLD, GG, SLV, PAAS