Buy the Dip on LGI Homes

(This is an excerpt from an article I originally published on Seeking Alpha on November 19, 2014. Click here to read the entire piece.)


An analyst asked this timely question during the November 11, 2014 earnings call for LGI Homes (LGIH). The quote comes from the Seeking Alpha transcript of that earnings call. Charles Merdian – Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer, and Secretary – gave a very non-committal answer by saying the company feels “…pretty comfortable with where we are at right now” although it is “comfortable” going up to the mid-50s for the gross debt to capital ratio. As it turned out, a massive debt offering was indeed right around the corner. {snip}

A quick tumble for LGIH
A quick tumble for LGIH


LGIH announced that it will use the proceeds to repurchase shares from buyers of convertible notes and use the rest for any of a variety of operational purposes:


These funds are timely because the company is facing a shrinking market for finished lots and is now buying more raw land which it will need to develop to maintain its target of 3-5 years of lot inventory. {snip}

The opportunity in buying the dip on LGIH comes from what I think is temporary selling pressure related to the convertible. {snip}

The fundamentals supporting a purchase assume that LGIH can continue its strong growth profile. {snip}

LGIH expects to close out 2014 on a strong note and will provide 2015 guidance at a later date.


Be careful out there!

Full disclosure: long LGIH

(This is an excerpt from an article I originally published on Seeking Alpha on November 19, 2014. Click here to read the entire piece.)

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