(This is an excerpt from an article I published on Seeking Alpha. Click here to read the entire piece.)
As I feared would eventually happen, LPS sliced right through support and made fresh two-year lows. On Tuesday, LPS closed down 3.6% on a third straight day of heavy selling volume.

*Chart created using TeleChart:

Put activity remains strong on LPS…{snip}…the open interest on Monday expanded to match Friday’s volume on the Sept 25 puts…{snip}…Tuesday’s selling attracted more speculators as seen by the increase in put activity in the front-month (June) puts. 4474 puts traded across the June 20, 22.5, 24, and 25 strikes versus open interest of only 2208.
While total short interest has yet to reach the peak from October’s surge, shorts have steadily increased over the last three weeks of available data. Shorts are also 6.9% of LPS’s total float.

Source: NASDAQ.com
Cody Willard is emphatic in his explanation of the short perspective on LPS by calling LPS one of his top short ideas of the year; he even added to his position with shares and puts on Monday…
Be careful out there!
(This is an excerpt from an article I published on Seeking Alpha. Click here to read the entire piece.)
Full disclosure: net short LPS