China has ordered managers of its vast currency reserves to withdraw from risky dollar assets and retreat to core debt guaranteed by the US government, a clear sign that Beijing is battening down the hatches for fresh trouble on global markets.
Inflation would stand well below the two percent target in two years' time if interest rates rose as fast as markets predict, Bank of England forecast showed on Wednesday.
Germany's ruling coalition has agreed to delay cuts in solar power incentives by two months, parliamentary officials said on Tuesday, easing pressure on solar companies so they will have more time to sell components.
…it's been a very strong quarter for S&P 500 companies versus analyst expectations…74 percent of companies have beat the estimates so far. And to put that number in context, in a typical quarter about 61 percent of companies beat the estimates. The highest percentage we've ever recorded is 79 percent. So if we finish at this 74 percent, it will mark the second highest percentage of companies beating estimates that we've reported in the 15 years that we've been tracking the data.