The Official Kim Fields Fan Site

An ACTIVE archive of everything Kim Fields

The Official Kim Fields Fan Site
ConversationsInterviews and Speaking Engagements

My Conversations With Kim

MY INTERVIEW WITH KIM: On the morning of Friday, December 23, 2011, I had the privilege to interview Kim Fields as part of a promo for her Christmas Special, “Holiday Love.” She shared some powerful and inspiring words as well as hearty laughs.

Dr. Duru interviews Kim Fields by Dr Duru

(Interview also available on for download or listening: Click here for the MP3 version. It is edited for extra volume. Click here for the WAV version.)

Kim talked about how the Christmas special “Holiday Love” transformed and restored her Christian faith. She noted how she is like every other mother in struggling to find the right work/home balance in her life with a career, husband, and son. She talked about doing her favorite projects like the Twilight Zone radio episode. Kim acknowledged all the support she has received from her fans and noted how social media has helped her stay in touch with fans (She wants to hear your feedback, so reach out to her on facebook and/or twitter!). Anyone growing up through tough circumstances can find encouragement in Kim’s personal experience and words of wisdom. “Smooth Is Spoken Here”, Kim’s spoken word CD, may be re-released, and Kim will one day soon release some new material! Notably, Kim acknowledged as THE OFFICIAL Kim Fields fan site! Kim was very gracious with her time; she has a warm personality, is engaging with her conversation, and is just a lot of fun. Enjoy the interview! It includes some personal moments as well.

I first met Kim Fields in Los Angeles, CA on March 21, 2003 after her play Pandora’s Trunk. She extended heart-felt greetings to all her fans out there. We had a good laugh about my participation in her play (you had to be there to believe it!). We talked a lot about this site from its earliest inception, and she also gave me the early scoop on her first offical presence on the web at This site went inactive in early 2005.

I next met Kim in Tampa, FL after she co-starred in the play Issues: We All Got ‘Em. (Click link to read about my experience at the play and see memorabilia). I was happy to find that Kim still remembered me and this site. After she recognized me, she proceeded to “embarrass” me by announcing to nearby fans that I had “put up my fan site when I was 12 years old before there was even an Internet!” The ribbing was all good though! Once again, she gave me great news that she was back on the web at

Issues: We All Got 'Em

Nowadays, you can find Kim on Facebook as Kim Fields Actress/Director and on twitter as @KimVFields. As always, I welcome email regarding Kim and any suggestions or comments about this site.

One thought on “My Conversations With Kim

  • One who wonders.

    Just wanted to let you know I hope everything is going well with you.


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