Kim and Family Battle It Out on Celebrity Family Feud
On August 26, 2018 Kim Fields appeared on Celebrity Family Feud with her husband Christopher Morgan, sister Alexis Fields, mother-in-law Ophelia, and mom Chip Hurd.

Source: Celebrity Family Feud
Kim and and her family played against Vanilla Ice and his family. Host Steve Harvey started the show paying homage to Chip Fields given she saved his career many years ago.
The families competed over four categories:
1. Name how you would know your secret is safe with grandma.
2. Name an ingredient a baker uses that would be a good name for a stripper.
3. Name something that can get too dry.
4. Name an animal besides a dog that gives people comfort.
Through September 23, 2018 you can watch the full episode on the ABC website; Kim’s competition leads the show. Otherwise you can catch some clips.

Spoiler alert: I think Kim and family were robbed on the final category! Their final answer made a LOT more sense than the remaining two answers!
Kim’s hair is a hot mess.